Amazing Book!“This is one amazing book, that will leave you dumbfounded, touched, perplexed, open, shocked, but without any doubt, will transform you in ways you did not expect.
Exciting, scary, poetic, beautiful, heart wrenching, graceful, all at the same time. If you want something that really wakes your soul in a totally non-airy-fairy way, this is the book.” ~ Bernadette |
“The Way Of Emotional Quantum Intelligence”“Sienna weaves years of personal experience, and wisdom gleaned, into the story of Natalie Stearn’s journey of transformation. Natalie is a feminist American Psychologist, who is receiving spiritual guidance through her teacher, Shemura. In the book’s beginning, a dramatic scene with a deeply disturbed young patient disrupts Natalie’s identity taking her on an inner search, which ultimately leads into archetypal realms.
Are we influenced by archetypal dramas from the past? Author, Sienna Lea, suggests we are. Stealing the Moon asks the reader to realize that we are controlled by deep dark, shadow energies from ancient times. She believes we must face our shadow in order to free ourselves to truly love. The book goes beyond Jung’s teachings on the shadow by rooting it in ancient events, “through the actions of key figures in history.” In this case it is the archetypal drama unfolding in the lives of Akhenaten, pharaoh of Egypt, and his wife Nefertiti. It is a story of incest, power and the acclamation of male power. This is the place in time when the patriarch comes into full reign—as women’s voices and souls are squelched. It asks women, in particular, to examine their hearts, and enter into the journey into darkness in order to truly know light. This is a work of “Creative Non-Fiction,” allowing the author to weave her personal narrative into a rich tale, filled with the type of learning that takes place in non-ordinary experience. It is also a tribute to her own teacher, Aysha Love, who taught her the way of “Emotional Quantum Intelligence.” The story is binding. It takes the reader through a colorful and meaningful journey as we join Natalie Stern in her movement through the darkness into the opening of her heart. Sienna Lea also has a sense of humor that plays out in many of the stories. I highly recommend this book for women (and interested men), as it is very thought provoking. Her book and related workshops make a serious statement, one that fits well with our current need for human transformation. Sienna recommends this work to “anyone seriously interested in having a fresh look with our contracts with the dark side of power.” ~ Sharon G. Mijares, PHD & psycho-spiritual author |
"An Immeasurable New View Of This Sacred Relationship""This knowledge can add an immeasurable new view of this sacred relationship and how it can literally change the world in a positive and marvelous manner."
~ Dave Corso (1941-2014), Found of Wolf Spirit Radio |